Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 189,988,201 Issue: 564 | 28th day of Gathering, Y14
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The Book Vanishes in a Puff of BLACK Smoke!

by o_mermaid_princess_o

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The Goofers - A Makeover, part 2
Nooo! Not the hair!

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A Completely Fictional Scenario That Never Happened

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The Colorful Aisha and the Secret Lab
It was an incredibly foolish risk to take, but as Nayha followed the path laid out by the worn, wrinkled map she held, she knew she would not turn back.

by star138


The Winged Menace
He's so clumsy, it's as if he wants to be something's prey, the Lupe thought to himself.

by renagade11

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