A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 190,062,233 Issue: 567 | 19th day of Collecting, Y14
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We found the following 17 result(s) for the keyword blueys45

Week - 234

The Immortal Toast: Part One
by blueys45
Description: Any second now, I thought. The lightning drew ever closer to the rod. I stood there watching and waiting patiently, until...

Week - 235

The Immortal Toast: Part Two
by blueys45
Description: Sunlight looked up and replied, "Aw come on, Marik! Trust me! This will work!"

Week - 534

Infinity: Part One
by blueys45
Description: It was the citizens themselves that earned the city its name. Everyone in that city was a Glowing Buzz. They were the Fireflies, proud of their identity as Neopets that naturally adapted to their dark environment. With such deep-rooted pride, none them would ever think of being anything else.

Week - 535

Infinity: Part Two
by blueys45
Description: "Gather plants of any specimen from the surface, and plenty of them. If you present them to me tomorrow at this same time, I'll give you your cure."

Week - 536

Infinity: Part Three
by blueys45
Description: Two weeks had passed, and Lumin could once again stand on his balcony and watch the City of Lights sparkle with the glow of the Fireflies.

Week - 537

Infinity: Part Four
by blueys45
Description: Infrared's and Neon's search for The Engineer produced no results. They didn't catch even so much of a glimpse of her.

Week - 538

Infinity: Part Five
by blueys45
Description: Lumin let out a deep sigh, trying to keep his composure. Nothing like that had ever happened before. Once a Firefly started to glow, they stayed that way all their life. Suddenly losing their glow was unthinkable.

Week - 539

Infinity: Part Six
by blueys45
Description: Lumin was in the middle of a city-wide rebellion. So many Fireflies fought against him now. But as he listened to what the Royal Guards had to say, he realized that even then he still had allies...

Week - 540

Infinity: Part Seven
by blueys45
Description: Flicker had the hope that if he ran far enough, he'd be able to find Papa and that maybe he could go with him after all. But after traveling all alone for some time, Flicker just wanted to find somebody.

Week - 541

Infinity: Part Eight
by blueys45
Description: "Sir?"

It was Wingen's voice, but Flicker couldn't find him anywhere in the room. But he flinched at what he did see: A small stack of papers floating in mid-air.

Week - 542

Infinity: Part Nine
by blueys45
Description: There were two rules among the citizens of Obsidian Quarry. One: Never anger Granite. Two: If one does anger him, one needs to be prepared to constantly look over one's shoulder for the rest of one's life.

Week - 543

Infinity: Part Ten
by blueys45
Description: Flicker and Wingen had barely set foot outside their room the next day before Gabbro met them. Gabbro almost always wore an expression of impatience and disdain in the presence of just about everyone except for Granite. But for the first time, Flicker saw a sense of nervousness in his face.

Week - 544

Infinity: Part Eleven
by blueys45
Description: "What?! You can't!" Flicker yelled, shocked by the news. Aside from how much Flicker liked his machines, Dimitri was the first person he met since Wingen that was friendly towards him. He didn't want to have to say goodbye to him that quickly.

Week - 545

Infinity: Part Twelve
by blueys45
Description: "I'm not gonna be scared anymore! If they don't like the way I am, then tough!"

Week - 565

Keep Smiling: Part One
by blueys45
Description: He knew what he heard. It reminded him of days long past and things he thought he would never have again.

Lumin heard the sound of a string of chains clattering together.

Week - 566

Keep Smiling: Part Two
by blueys45
Description: "The Engineer went around changing everyone's species. It wasn't all at once either. She would appear one day, transform a few Fireflies, leave, then come back later to do the same thing. And in the time in between, everyone was left in a state of dread..."

Week - 567

Keep Smiling: Part Three
by blueys45
Description: Now what? She had never had this feeling before: The feeling of not knowing what to do with her time.

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