Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 190,062,233 Issue: 567 | 19th day of Collecting, Y14
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword drama_freak4

Week - 547

The Jelly Fiend Strikes Again!
by drama_freak4
Description: For the fifth time this month, the mysterious masked villain known only as "The Jelly Fiend" has wrecked havoc upon our calm city.

Week - 567

Who Could Love A Quiguki?
by drama_freak4
Description: Despite what you may believe, Quigukis have a small but loyal group of followers.

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The Quest to Thorn Bridge Castle: Part Seven
In Mazeu's opinion, there was no better method of traveling than atop the back of a gigantic Draik. As Eisian soared over the thick forested floor that separated Shenkuu from Altador, Maz diligently updated his map of Neopia.

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P&P: The Map
Check this out!

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by johnny_depps_girl101


Dare to Scare: A Neopian Fashion Guide
A guide to looking your finest during the spookiest time of year!

Also by dr_tomoe

by parody_ham


The Golden Elephante: Part One
"Get your scrolls here!" a Pteri at the stand opposite him bellowed, quickly appraising the Krawk and giving him a cheerful wink. "The cheapest scrolls in Sakhmet, and all ancient, too!"

by rachelindea

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