Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,439,813 Issue: 575 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y14
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword peronalodis

Week - 569

The Snowager's Heart
by peronalodis
Description: His heart was cold, and frozen. It was literally made from ice. He wondered then if that meant he didn't really feel like others did...

Week - 573

Life Is an Adventure, and So Is the Transfer Room
by peronalodis
Description: My name is Adaline, and I'm a transfer pet. Which means every home I've ever had only kept me for as long as they had too before sending me away for a better pet, or their "dreamy" as I've heard them called.

Week - 574

Keep Out! It's Best You Don't Know Why
by peronalodis
Description: There is one place that is near completely ignored, even feared by some: a small island just off the coast of Krawk Island, where the only distinguishable thing is a huge black sign held up by bones, with the words "Keep Out" written on it...

Week - 575

What's Santa Claws?
by peronalodis
Description: "Santa's a robot."

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So Says the Slorg! -- Holiday Edition!
Shem ain't the brightest bulb on the Day o' Giving tree.

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Ruined Library: Part Six
An urgent singsong voice broke into Lae's dreams. It was sweet, but harrowed, and had the tone of someone about to commit a desperate act.

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Hannah, Brynn, and Nabile and the We Hate Hanso Club: Part Two
"This artifact sounds extremely dangerous, and the last thing I need is for it to fall into the hands of a pirate captain," Brynn explained.

"Well, in that case, I want to come with you," Nabile said.

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Dark Faerie Dreams: Part One
My attention caught by the girl in the reflection.

She was a funny looking faerie, I thought sadly. The only thing dark about her was the simple, single-sleeved, purple dress she wore and perhaps her violet eyes.

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10 Reasons to Visit Terror Mountain
Terror Mountain has snow all year long and it's exactly the place to visit when you've got the White Christmas Blues.

by rs_rbn

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