Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 190,612,197 Issue: 577 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y15
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Holy Kau!

by fluffy_bumbkin

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The Junior Gourmet's Society
Natilie sat by herself in the cafeteria on her very first day of Neoschool. She was much younger than all of the other pets...

by cerpin


Plushie Woes
I hope you can fix it.

by melaiv


Interview with a Minion... of Sloth
Looking back, there really was no excuse. From the time I walked up to the cottage I should have known that my day would not unfold even close to the way I expected.

by jadianne


Wanmei and the Reset Button
"Why do you seek the Reset Button?" asked the Baby Grundo.

Art by june_scarlet

by june_scarlet

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