teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 190,612,197 Issue: 577 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y15
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The Road to Fame

by emmilou123

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The Beginning
This is...?

by moon_flash


Austere and Azure - A Ghost and a Grey Kyrii
Their backyard had no fence at all; the dark and thick forest of the Haunted Woods backing up to the house was privacy enough. Azure took a deep breath of the fresh crisp air...

by mus_ic


It is so stupid for the Brain Tree to have such a big brain in the Haunted Woods....

by andy94174


Ruined Library: Part Eight
"I can barely fly as it is!" Kiyake panicked. It was true; the faerie Xweetok was beating her wings as quickly as she could...

by aquadaika

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