Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 190,555,218 Issue: 578 | 18th day of Sleeping, Y15
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword dewdropzz

Week - 541

Claare Should Be Grateful...
by dewdropzz
Description: The only thing I don't like...

Week - 566

Claare's List Of Underappreciated Neopian Heroes
by dewdropzz
Description: Today I would like to draw attention to these people, with hopes that they'll soon be recognized for what they've done, and continue to do.

Week - 569

Love Builds A Robot
by dewdropzz
Description: All is quiet in Neopia at 6:30 am. It's Sunday morning, the sun is just beginning to rise and at this hour, most Neopians are still asleep. Not you, though.

Week - 576

Half Baked
by dewdropzz
Description: "Nonsense! It's never too cold to swim. As long as you're in an indoor pool."

Week - 578

Ready To Give
by dewdropzz
Description: Couldn't the bad weather have waited until after the Day of Giving?

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I was a female blue Uni, common yet still beautiful. My name is Reroyo195.

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Infinity II: Control - Part Two
"The fact you received The Engineer's mark more than forty years ago suggests one of two things: That she is not the first Neopet to have her powers, or that she is much older than she looks."

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Bread and Butter
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Unbreakable: Part Four
"Wraith pets... He's filled his entire front line with wraith pets," the faerie murmured. "I don't know whether to call that brilliant or just plain low."

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