There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 190,555,218 Issue: 578 | 18th day of Sleeping, Y15
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword lucas4429

Week - 424

Time Travel: Why Neopets Does Not Have It
by lucas4429
Description: Can you imagine?

Idea by notp3rfect

Week - 423

Magma Pets: Why He Became One
by lucas4429
Description: And that's why I became a magma pet!

Week - 457

Wishing Well Secrets
by lucas4429
Description: No petpets were harmed in the making of this comic.

Week - 518

The Labray Knows
by lucas4429
Description: and it tries to help. O-o

Week - 520

The Life of a Krawken
by lucas4429
Description: Now with 20% more cannonballs.

Week - 525

That Awkward Moment
by lucas4429
Description: No pets were harmed in the making of this comic.

Week - 526

My Favorite Kind of Gift
by lucas4429
Description: Happy Holidays!

Week - 562

by lucas4429
Description: Anyone have some Dorkleberries?

Week - 566

by lucas4429
Description: Imagine all those stairs.

Week - 578

The Kadoatery
by lucas4429
Description: Krazy Kads.

Also by horse_lovee

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Negative profit

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Acknowledge Me
Sometimes, I picture it: The way life would have been if I had never been abandoned.

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Infinity II: Control - Part Two
"The fact you received The Engineer's mark more than forty years ago suggests one of two things: That she is not the first Neopet to have her powers, or that she is much older than she looks."

by blueys45


Worst Job Ever!
Poor babysitter...

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Petpet Problems

Art by l_like_animals

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