Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 190,988,565 Issue: 587 | 22nd day of Running, Y15
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword cc_coffman98

Week - 358

The Guide to Grooming
by cc_coffman98
Description: Shampoo is usually your first choice if your Neopet has fur or hair. (Trust me, there's a BIG difference.)

Week - 569

The Ethics of 'Dream Pets'
by cc_coffman98
Description: If you visit a 'dream pet giveaway', you'll usually find the same color/species combos being posted again and again.

Week - 570

by cc_coffman98
Description: I don't know if there's a better relief than stepping outside the Pound Transfer Tunnel into the Exchange.

Week - 587

Salt Water and Soy Biscuits
by cc_coffman98
Description: Some of them haven't even seen the ocean.

You're not sure how anything in their world can be okay.

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Dungeon Break
In which gruel is served, Cellblock is played, and someone orchestrates an elaborate escape.

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Budget Weaponry
You've got eight slots for your "set" and you want to have at least the following...

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Sharp Strokes
Fitting how a nonexistant place has nonexistant manners towards newcomers.

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Baby Kacheek's Big Problem

by jennyliu465


Tumble Dry
Don't forget to use fabric softener.

by rissy123

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