Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 190,988,487 Issue: 588 | 29th day of Running, Y15
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Use Your Imagination

by shadowstrand

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Can Kadoaties Read?
My name is Jayne. I'm a Kadoatie.

It took me months to learn to associate words and signs on paper; several weeks of looking around me, trying to figure out what those black marks on the walls of my little cage mean.

by sergente__hartmann


How to Succeed at the Beauty Contest
While it is possible to win the Beauty Contest solely by entering an amazing image or even a really good image, more often, the Beauty Contest takes additional effort beyond just entering and collecting your trophy in one week.

by blackwater444


There Are No How-To Books for Aspiring Ninjas: Part Two
He plopped himself down on a relatively cool rock and rummaged through his backpack for the bottle of water. He pulled it out, then froze. In the flickering light, he could see the angry stare of a dark faerie...

by serissa98


We All Fall Down: Part Seven
Siana was carrying me by the scruff of my neck after a good shot from her stun blaster...

by ellbot1998

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