Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 190,988,443 Issue: 589 | 5th day of Eating, Y15
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword amarise

Week - 495

Altador Cup Preview
by amarise
Description: Roster changes have yet to be announced, but the buzz has already started for some of last year's top teams. Let's break down the competition.

Week - 537

Altador Cup Pre-Season Report
by amarise
Description: Most Neopian lands are still mired in the depths of winter, but for Altador Cup fans, Spring has finally arrived.

Week - 589

Altador Cup VIII Pre-season Report
by amarise
Description: For most Neopians, melting snow is merely a sign of the coming Spring, but for a dedicated few the end of Winter marks the start of the Altador Cup pre-season.

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"Quit bragging! You cheated, you know it!"

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Keep your habitarium in good repair!

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Lucky Coin
"People believed that the so called Curse of King Coltzan is real. Those that visit his tomb will be cursed with bad luck," Kakimiha read from a book as he stood between the rows of shelves...

by princess_daisy186


Seems Legit: Weapons
Certainly one way to seem more charismatic.

by shamaela


Someone's lost a plushie.

by ssjelitegirl

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