Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,988,152 Issue: 591 | 19th day of Eating, Y15
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword kinokiro

Week - 587

Defender of Neopia - Origin of Keenomarci
by kinokiro
Description: When I woke up, my owner wasn't anywhere to be found. I was alone, in a dark cold cave and I had no idea what had happened. My vision was a little blurry...

Week - 590

Defender of Neopia - Tyranny of The Doctor: Part One
by kinokiro
Description: "There's no point in trying to escape from here." 

Keenomarci surveyed the room she had found herself locked in.

Week - 591

Defender of Neopia - Tyranny of The Doctor: Part Two
by kinokiro
Description: "So you need my help to sneak back onto Virtupets Station?"

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Great Expectations
I guess they don't call it EXTREME for nothing.

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Neopian Items: Sinister Skeith
She never went near a Skeith ever again.

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Uncertainty: Part Two
If there was any lesson that stuck with Dimitri over his lifetime, it was that failure should not be seen as the end of a project, but a chance to improve it.

by blueys45


What About Trophies... For My Pet!?
Userlookup trophies are fine; time for the pets!

by x_mystichorse_x


Something has happened!

by usuki_kid

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