Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,988,152 Issue: 591 | 19th day of Eating, Y15
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Using the Awakened to Your Advantage

by muzikbox

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Advisor Broo's Scheme of War
"My King," he said, "I'd like to again suggest th-"

"After this game," the King said to his royal advisor.

"Yes, of course," Broo said, slinking back the shadows.

by garfield22222


How to: Whack-a-Kass
New High Score!

by taybabatool123


PetPet Tales: Fall of Florg!
The Mutant Chia finally meets his match!

by periodicage


Of Terrible Yo Java and New 'Friends'
"Honestly," you would gripe to your friends, "no one likes Yo Java THAT much. I am sensing an ulterior motive."

by cc_coffman98

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