Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 191,125,202 Issue: 597 | 31st day of Hunting, Y15
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword luciantheblaze

Week - 581

Sharp Strokes
by luciantheblaze
Description: The alternative to Bloat-B-Gone; a snowball to the gut.

Week - 587

Sharp Strokes
by luciantheblaze
Description: Fitting how a nonexistant place has nonexistant manners towards newcomers.

Week - 589

Sharp Strokes
by luciantheblaze
Description: "Don't stop to sniff the flowers," they often say.

Week - 593

Sharp Strokes
by luciantheblaze
Description: Seems like I'll have to update the logo soon...

Week - 597

Sharp Strokes
by luciantheblaze
Description: How does one use a healing potion "unwisely?"

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"Oh, what a fool I was!" Sylvette wailed.

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Sharp Strokes
How does one use a healing potion "unwisely?"

by luciantheblaze

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