The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 191,125,202 Issue: 597 | 31st day of Hunting, Y15
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword wizard_of_duh

Week - 593

A Series of Rather Unremarkable Events
by wizard_of_duh
Description: Using the battledome is hard.

Week - 597

A Series of Rather Unremarkable Events #2
by wizard_of_duh
Description: Even Fyora has her off days.

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Belonging to the Sky: Part Three
"I think you should leave," she growled in a terrifyingly calm tone. "Or I'll make you."

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Bad Biscuits: Adventures of Huffle and Fluffle
What do you think?

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The Road to My Dream Zap
I have been the lab pet for years.

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The Return: Part Five
"Welcome, Mr. Jennings," a figure hunched behind the crystal ball greeted him.

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Eggmergency Averted
Many Neopians fear Boochi, but he is certainly appreciated by some.

by ryac

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