The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 191,224,933 Issue: 600 | 21st day of Relaxing, Y15
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by 0123kl

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Water, Fire, Return
Content doesn't always mean happy, does it now?

Also by sportlovergrl25

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Ventures #30
Aftermath Part 3. On continually missing persons and the urgency of grooming.

by neo_coaster363


Scorto's Adventures: Kitchen Quest Catastrophe
It was about time the Kitchen Quest Flotsam got a lesson for all the terrible rewards he's given out...

by john3637881


The Tree of Pillar Grove: Part Two
She stared at the suit of bronze armor stored away in her closet and said, "I feel like I should take this. But it's just so cumbersome to wear and transport. I hate wearing it unless I'm absolutely certain that I'm going to need it."

by blueys45

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