Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 191,275,612 Issue: 601 | 28th day of Relaxing, Y15
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword agcat92

Week - 514

by agcat92
Description: The day everyone was talking like pirates.

Week - 601

Great Petpets for Music-Loving Neopets
by agcat92
Description: So you have a music-loving pet, huh?

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Perils of the Lab Ray: Part Two
"I still don't get why you hate him so much," Lucas said as he fell onto the couch, fanning out his bright red wings behind him.

by elish111


Aulyssa's Scavenger Hunt
A chocolate waterfall rushed down a candy mountain, splashing onto the sugar-sand shore. Miles of shiny rock candy path scrolled over the cookie gravel. Stacks of candy cane emerged from the ground...

by honeybee_462


The Pointy Hat
So the pointy hat isn't totally new. Neopia's had wizards and witches and various miscellaneous magical whatevers for a while.

by kate_d


I can't imagine what's keeping her...

by twillieblossom


Another Shade of Green: Part One
In Meridell, a group of faeries were sleeping in their cribs. Every faerie but one was asleep; that one was Illusen. Her green eyes were huge and filled to the brim with tears...

by ewagon

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