Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 191,286,117 Issue: 602 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y15
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword sparkles_a18

Week - 593

P3 vs P2
by sparkles_a18
Description: Likarat LOVES little creatures... except Spyders.

Week - 602

Sketchy Puns
by sparkles_a18
Description: No Jubjubs were harmed in the making of this comic in any way... except maybe his pride.

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Another Shade of Green: Part Two
"She'll visit Meridell and be consumed by it; then she'll rule it, and the rest of Neopia along with it."

by ewagon


Top Ten Plushie Foods
That's what makes having them in plushie form so perfect. We don't have to eat them!

by pebblesnbambam1


Dead End: Boochi
Let's get outta here!

by killable


The Day After Lutari Day: Part Five
"Oi!" I said as I turned around and caught the Lutari red handed in the act of stealing a pancake. It froze for a second, looking at my with big puppy eyes...

by aethelar


The Breadmaster's Challenge: Part Six
"I haven't made it yet, Mum. There's still one challenge to go and the Breadmaster said it would be the toughest one yet. And the other finalists will be hard to beat; they both have a lot more experience than me..."

by meganhilty

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