Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 191,403,084 Issue: 605 | 26th day of Swimming, Y15
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword pillarbox

Week - 600

Rebuilding a Guild
by pillarbox
Description: She's quitting as leader? What happens now? But then you read on. Your position as a measly member is over, although you did like being a Sensei. Now you are La Jefa, the big cheese, the boss man.

Week - 603

Hall of Fame
by pillarbox
Description: As he stood atop the glistening, pristine platform he replayed his life in his mind. The victories, the injuries, the devastations.

Week - 605

The Parade
by pillarbox
Description: Gigantic discounts, personal shop assistants and stylists and a full new outfit. He was the happiest Yurble alive.

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So Says the Slorg!!
What is this "dignity" of which you speak?

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Witty Title: A New Roommate
What's up?

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14 Unconventional Ways to Beat the Heat
Tired of sipping some ice-cold lemonade and relaxing in the shade to beat that summer heat? Okay, neither am I. But why not look into some, shall we say, alternate methods of cooling off?

by littlemouse_rbd


A Disguising Experience
Surprising obstacles occur when submitting a comic.

Idea by magnetismo

by cevierakasky


The Old Switcheroo: Part Two
"Yo, what's up, my Guildies?" Kanrik called out, giving everyone a peace sign.

His greeting was met with a heavy silence and puzzled stares.

by liouchan

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