Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 191,527,704 Issue: 609 | 22nd day of Hiding, Y15
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword alex9292

Week - 608

Love is Blind
by alex9292
Description: ARRGG!!!

Week - 608

Make a Wish
by alex9292
Description: The Wishing Well sat atop a grassy hill in Neopia Central. A dusty path, which over the years had been worn by thousands of stampeding feet, ran from the well all the way back to the plaza.

Week - 609

The Secret of the Mystery Island Heads
by alex9292
Description: What a beautiful relic of Neopian history!

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Free is an infinitely better price than whatever she was paying before.

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Aisha Soup
Trip to the Adoption Agency!

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Against All Odds: Part Four
The day of the race, an extremely bored and discontented Scorchio, with a permanent scowl upon his face, sat behind the counter of the betting booth, continuously taking bets from an enormous queue of Neopets that just kept getting longer and longer.

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