Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 191,614,706 Issue: 611 | 6th day of Gathering, Y15
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword loferria

Week - 611

An Apple a Day?
by loferria
Description: That saying...

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Mr. Pufferton and the Last Magazine: Part Three
The guests had gone home with nothing on their lips but tales of the previous night's burglary. It was said by at least two gentlemen that Mr. Pufferton had engaged in fisticuffs with the rapscallion and come away with a black eye.

by emblo93


You are most beautiful when you are yourself.

by nasash


Eight Reasons Dr. Sloth Isn’t As Evil As You Think
Since Dr. Frank Sloth burst onto the scene in Neopia's Year 2, he's earned a bad rap. Quite unfairly, might I add.

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The Viridian Gloves: Part Four
Suddenly Shalina pressed a paw to Harlath's mouth at the sight of something behind him. "Harlath!" she hissed...

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Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Against All Odds - Part Seven
Veronica grabbed the newspaper off the table. "This Captain Nefarious looks like a fun fellow. I'll be he's never bored. I wish I could be like him."

by kristykimmy

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