The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 191,614,706 Issue: 611 | 6th day of Gathering, Y15
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword venused

Week - 611

Eight Reasons Dr. Sloth Isn’t As Evil As You Think
by venused
Description: Since Dr. Frank Sloth burst onto the scene in Neopia's Year 2, he's earned a bad rap. Quite unfairly, might I add.

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Mr. Pufferton and the Last Magazine: Part Three
The guests had gone home with nothing on their lips but tales of the previous night's burglary. It was said by at least two gentlemen that Mr. Pufferton had engaged in fisticuffs with the rapscallion and come away with a black eye.

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The Iced Curse: Part Two
"So, Lodo, do you have any sibling or relatives or anything?" Flames asked as we walked into her small kitchen.

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Draik Expectations: Part Two
Pharazon's ears drooped as he looked up at the enormous stack of parchment that had been set in front of him with a hefty whumph!

by cosmicfire918

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