Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 191,625,758 Issue: 613 | 20th day of Gathering, Y15
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword hogwartsbean3

Week - 435

A Rather Curious Interview
by hogwartsbean3
Description: I am talking, of course, about the one and only Chef Bonju.

Week - 521

Birthday Celebrations Are Fun For All
by hogwartsbean3
Description: Every year on Neopets' birthday, pets gather from all around Neopia to throw spectacular parties and celebrate in style. This year is no different.

Week - 610

The Origins of Friendship
by hogwartsbean3
Description: It wasn't always easy being friends with Favar. The Kougra was hyperactive and unpredictable at the best of times...

Week - 613

A Fear of Ghosts
by hogwartsbean3
Description: There's nothing scary in Faerieland...

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The Price of Beauty: Part One
The cloth has fallen off the mirror again. As I lift it to pin it back up, I catch a glimpse of my image.

by sweetie_butterfly


Pippin Poogle's Pitiful Poogle Day Parade: An Interview
"Welcome to Poogles on Parade Day. I'm Rene Reporter here with Pippin Poogle to talk about his adventures on this lovely day. So Pippin, have you had a good Poogle Parade today?"

Also by titian_starfire

by hottendott


The Library Faerie's Festival
Don't forget about the Library Faerie this Faerie Festival!

by kitteh_love_forever


Rogue and Rover: Part Ten
Kanrik looked around the cave – it was about the size of his room back at the inn in Happy Valley. "I wish we could risk a fire, but they'd see the smoke from miles off. Looks like we're eating nuts, dried fruit, and jerky again."

by saphira_27


Battle Faerie Surprise!
Not everyone is so excited for questing.

by fatefulwings

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