Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 191,735,390 Issue: 617 | 18th day of Collecting, Y15
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword rory321363

Week - 577

It's Just Not Worth It
by rory321363
Description: I hear you collect avatars...

Week - 588

Sometimes it is Worth It
by rory321363
Description: A resilient Grarrl tries his luck at getting a new avatar. Some think he is brave; others think he's a bit dim.

Week - 600

by rory321363
Description: What do the Altador Cup athletes get up to in-between matches?

Week - 606

What Even Is That?
by rory321363
Description: Seriously, what is that supposed to be?

Week - 605

Fury in the Kingdom
by rory321363
Description: To be fair we don't think anyone knows what to do with angry Peophins.

Week - 610

Mysteries of Kreludor
by rory321363
Description: So many flavours. I wonder how they taste?

Week - 611

The Return of the King's Hound
by rory321363
Description: I'm surprised your hands didn't glow blue.

Week - 615

She Shall Bring Ruin Onto This Contest
by rory321363
Description: Victory shall be sweet and sure.

Week - 617

The Horror of the Seas
by rory321363
Description: O Rainbow Fountain...

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