A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 191,735,390 Issue: 617 | 18th day of Collecting, Y15
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Literally ~ Boo On You!

by pirate_cove

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Collared Greens
"It's a good thing you decided to take me home with you, Uncle Inc. I was about to clobber Yekaterina and Zach," Brandi said.

by 77thbigby


Sasha's Story: Key Quest from a Pet's Point-of-view
"Come on, Sasha, it will be fun! Besides, I'd really like to try for a rare paint brush or piece of laboratory map if I- er, I mean you win a gold key!"

by facetiousmind


Logic Is Extinct ~ Coffee Makes You Thirsty
So? Is it good?

by lady_obvious


The Orbs of Power: Part Four
Another storm was descending as I arrived back in Neovia. I was in desperate need of sleep; the testing four-day journey into the Haunted Woods to retrieve the Orb of the Forest had left me exhausted and drained.

by burning_shadows_79

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