Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 191,782,612 Issue: 620 | 8th day of Storing, Y15
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword karen_mckenzie

Week - 547

Darkness Comes (Faerieland Falls)
by karen_mckenzie
Description: The Faerieland Guards had been rounding a lot of people up; young and old, local and tourist alike would be found by the blank faced faeries and herded into the high, tower-like dungeons...

Week - 556

Years Ago
by karen_mckenzie
Description: She didn't deserve it. Any of it.

Week - 560

The Lakeside
by karen_mckenzie
Description: Unbeknownst to me, or indeed anyone, today Berry had gone to the shop for a reason other than to barter for sweet goods. She had heard a passing rumour...

Week - 615

Troubled Past - Nox: Part One
by karen_mckenzie
Description: I was born with dark powers that placed me apart.

Week - 616

Troubled Past - Nox: Part Two
by karen_mckenzie
Description: I stayed much longer than I had intended to, because I was using the library again. Necromancer. What was that?

Week - 617

Troubled Past - Nox: Part Three
by karen_mckenzie
Description: My vague predictions were right; Magax did indeed turn out to be powerful. Even without magic he managed to thrash almost all who challenged him...

Week - 618

Troubled Past - Nox: Part Four
by karen_mckenzie
Description: I woke, bleary, my neck throbbing and my mouth raw. I blinked around – it looked like I was still in the woods, although any amount of time could have passed.

Week - 619

Troubled Past - Nox: Part Five
by karen_mckenzie
Description: Time passed. I had spent it terrifying travellers, researching and thinking. Thinking a lot. On the subject, to my shame, of raising ghosts from their graves...

Week - 620

Troubled Past - Nox: Part Six
by karen_mckenzie
Description: I did not pay any attention to matters not concerning me, and thus with an air of blinding ignorance I managed to miss the huge, shattering event of the Faeries being turned to stone...

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