Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 191,949,128 Issue: 625 | 20th day of Celebrating, Y15
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Green Stripes

by caffrinluvstmgc

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Christmas Special: An Interview With Bowe and Cassil
This is Feralezer reporting from the Shenkuu River, where a surfing championship has just ended. The winner is none other than Cassile, who beats the second place, Bowe, who won the last year's championship.

by feralezer


This Year
"I'd really like a tree this year, sister."

by purrgatory


The Priceless Gift
My sharp Lupe eyes scanned the busy market in the City of Sakhmet from the top of a resident's house...

by run2709


One Way: Part Three
"The mind is made to want a soul if it doesn't have one..."

by ellbot1998

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