Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 192,063,087 Issue: 628 | 17th day of Sleeping, Y16
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword sam23rog

Week - 463

Off the Beaten Path
by sam23rog
Description: Sabre-X is really not such a bad guy…

Week - 628

Off the Beaten Path - #2
by sam23rog
Description: The aluminium keeps the good thoughts in.

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A Dish Best Not Served
Today Serving...

by nycflowergirl


Random Oddness
Some people think Fractalz is the smart one: this isn't always true.

by mistyqee


Usuki Singing Stars #15: I Scream for YBIC!
"YES BOY ICE CREAM! YES BOY ICE CREAM!" Sparkles exclaimed as she entered Patricia's neohome. "Just three more hours, you guys!"

by downrightdude


Something Has Happened!
No worries, there were no strawberry Kougras injured during the making of this comic!

by lupe_phin_love


An Ogrin's Wild Life
Og didn't object when Lofty took the lead off the trail. The Ogrin's biggest fear was of getting lost but he was currently with the one Neopet who never did.

by 77thbigby

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