Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 192,103,792 Issue: 630 | 31st day of Sleeping, Y16
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Neopian Day Care

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The Goofers - Guess Who?
Everyone has their hobbies...

by lintsuf


Friendship Means Never Giving Up: Part One
Everyone deserved to love and be loved. Everyone deserved to have a friend and be a friend.

by noxlyx


Barnaby the Lupe
The trials, tribulations and struggles of an ordinary Lupe to feed his family...

by caelum_apple


It Takes a Thief: Part Eleven
Kanrik didn't have to argue with her again, because Mortman said, "When the king started throwing fire around, all of them ran for it. Sweet Fyora, I'd have run for it..."

by saphira_27

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