Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 192,270,801 Issue: 639 | 4th day of Eating, Y16
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword lupe_hunter_7

Week - 332

Lupe Pack Detectives - Case of the Missing Statue: Part One
by lupe_hunter_7
Description: "A gold Ixi statue is missing from my safe. It was supposed to be a birthday present for a friend..."

Week - 333

Lupe Pack Detectives - Case of the Missing Statue: Part Two
by lupe_hunter_7
Description: "My instincts told me that we were dealing with an imitator. While I was in the living room, I did not see any glass fragments on the floor..."

Week - 334

Lupe Pack Detectives - Case of the Missing Statue: Part Three
by lupe_hunter_7
Description: It had been a couple of days since Opren sent the empty morphing potion bottle up to the Virtupets Space Station for analysis...

Week - 335

Lupe Pack Detectives - Case of the Missing Statue: Part Four
by lupe_hunter_7
Description: It was the perfect opportunity for us to go undercover and observe Al and Bert, if they were attending. We assumed that they were...

Week - 360

The Survivor
by lupe_hunter_7
Description: "I think I'll go for having my fortune told. I want to know what my future holds."

Week - 433

by lupe_hunter_7
Description: Seeing that there was no other option for me to catch the thief, I threw the only thing that was in my hand: the Jade Staff.

Week - 441

The Tyrannian Shopkeeper Switch
by lupe_hunter_7
Description: "It's time for Verusha, the Master Detective, to get to the bottom of this..."

Week - 445

Memories of the PPL: The Spell
by lupe_hunter_7
Description: It was my rookie year at the Petpet Protection League, specifically at the PPL Headquarters, located in Neopia Central, when the incident occurred.

Week - 495

The Neopian Times Discussion: The Altador Cup
by lupe_hunter_7
Description: Even though the tournament has not arrived in Neopia yet, Altador Cup fever has!

Week - 541

In Memorandum
by lupe_hunter_7
Description: It all started several months ago when various Neopians began noticing the jolly king from Roo Island began some sort of negotiations with Alstaf Poogle, the Poetry Competition judge.

Week - 639

The Prank
by lupe_hunter_7
Description: When he opened the door, he found a Blue Nimmo, carrying a small suitcase stuffed with personal belongings.

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