Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 192,333,119 Issue: 642 | 25th day of Eating, Y16
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword animalgalclaire

Week - 642

The Name Game
by animalgalclaire
Description: Whether we create them or adopt them from the Pound, Neopets with attractive names are now considered a rarity, even a prize.

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Great stories!


The Color Yellow: Part Two
"Welcome to Faerieland Central School," the Elephante greeted them. "Full name please?"

by goodsigns


Architecture of Neopia: Meridell
As a scholar of architecture, I couldn't visit Brightvale and not take a look at Meridell. It is the vastly larger region to the east of its twin, famed for its simplistic way of life.

by arkwright


In Retrospect #1
At the Deserted Fairground...

Also by ryac

by wanderinthoughtz


Kass's Side Job
This comic shows the awesome, famous and prime side job of Lord Kass!

by _neonpet_


Ballad of the Faerie's Champion: Stagnation - Part Five
"A king who seeks to please everyone will in the end please no one."

by shinkoryu14

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