Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 192,452,307 Issue: 644 | 9th day of Hunting, Y16
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword supremity

Week - 622

Are You Implying Something?
by supremity
Description: Probably not the best book to give as a gift for your neopet...

Week - 623

Maybe Getting This NC Item Wasn't a Great Idea
by supremity
Description: Having your own theme song 24/7 has its downside...

Week - 624

You Know What... I Changed My Mind
by supremity
Description: If you were really hungry you'd eat ANYTHING...

Week - 633

Probably Not the Best Design For a Table...
by supremity
Description: "Where did my bed go?"

Week - 634

Handmade Gifts are Always the Best!
by supremity
Description: "Hey, I put a lot of time and thought when I was making this one..."

Week - 635

Rock is Tired With the Puns
by supremity
Description: "If you make one more rock or egg pun, I'm going to crack."

Week - 636

The Truth About The Lair Beast
by supremity
Description: He's actually a lot different than what everyone else expected...

Week - 637

The Downside to Being a Mallow Grundo
by supremity
Description: "I'm not lying! When I enter the health store all the pets look like want to eat me!"

Week - 639

A Petpetpet's Dream Come True
by supremity
Description: "I knew I should've filled my Inventory with dung instead!"

Week - 644

A Larnikin's Favorite Month
by supremity
Description: "I have a good reason why I'm eating all this food, okay?"

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