A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 192,452,304 Issue: 645 | 16th day of Hunting, Y16
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What Really Happens in the Kadoatery

by hideri

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Bread and Butter
The fastest trip to the Rainbow Pool

by _epiphany_


Rocket-Building For Fun and Profit
If there is such a thing as a normal day for the crew of the Dark Star, this day seemed like one. Sinjoh was catching up on repair work, Vamon was captaining, Kinzel was piloting. Jaynestown was making Sinjoh's life miserable.

by almedha


The Misadventures of Mattie
The echoing halls of the Neopian Central Orphanage called to her, but Mattie was stuck in her room.

by kako144555


Forgotten Shore?
Sure it is.

by madelania

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