Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 192,452,302 Issue: 646 | 22nd day of Hunting, Y16
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword shrinkme

Week - 221

Falling into the Pot - Edna's Story: Part One
by shrinkme
Description: My mother and father were standing outside the tent of a Neopian Seer. They decided to step inside for a bit from the cold...

Week - 222

Falling into the Pot - Edna's Story: Part Two
by shrinkme
Description: We felt the trunk moving around. When it opened, our eyes were hurt by the light. The Kau peered down at us, grinning...

Week - 645

Illusen's First Quest: Part One
by shrinkme
Description: "My dear Illusen," Fyora said soothingly, taking the cup and saucer Illusen offered and sipping the tea. "Faerieland will soon be under attack."

Week - 646

Illusen's First Quest: Part Two
by shrinkme
Description: The glowing twig soon caught Illusen's eye, and she gasped realizing her emotions and tears had instilled magic in the tiny twig...

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"Here we are!" Sparkles cheered as she approached the Money Tree. The pink Bruce looked at the piles of toys, trinkets and other knickknacks that other Neopians had placed underneath the majestic tree...

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Problems in the Lost Desert
Something is terribly wrong in the Lost Desert!

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The Daily Lives of Neopets
"Don't you know it'll be a matter of time till one of us goes to the pound again? This won't last forever."

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Life in Their Neopia- Dangers of Gaming
You're on games duty this week.

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What Sandwich Are You? - A Quiz
Are you the kind of sandwich with too much ham? Or are you a chicken sandwich? Perhaps you have lots of cheese.

by fairygold

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