White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 192,422,854 Issue: 647 | 30th day of Hunting, Y16
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword _koolness_

Week - 614

The Quick and Easy BC Guide
by _koolness_
Description: So you want to earn sparkly trophies for your beloved pet's lookup? Entering the Beauty Contest is one way to accumulate a few shiny pet medals.

Week - 616

Don't Mess With Me!
by _koolness_
Description: HA!

Week - 647

Take Flight
by _koolness_
Description: "Snorkle in the middle! Snorkle in the middle!" my classmates jeered...

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"Lita, watch what you're doing! Those are very fragile and need to be stocked with extreme care!"

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Fyora Hair Care?
Maybe she's born with it... maybe it's Fyora.

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Take Flight
"Snorkle in the middle! Snorkle in the middle!" my classmates jeered...

by _koolness_


Finding Your Niche
It can be an adventure to find your own place on the site.

Also by trubiekatie

by rationalizing

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