Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 192,473,754 Issue: 648 | 6th day of Relaxing, Y16
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword arkwright

Week - 591

Architecture of Neopia: Maraqua
by arkwright
Description: Maraqua is the only place in Neopia that produces Maractite – most commonly used in forging weaponry; it is also a key material in structural support, as it is a substance stronger than an iron girder.

Week - 603

Architecture of Neopia: The Lost Desert
by arkwright
Description: Sakhmet Palace itself is the true gem of the Lost Desert, in my humble opinion. From miles around, the glittering onion dome is visible – made all the brighter by the dazzling sun.

Week - 607

Architecture of Neopia: Brightvale
by arkwright
Description: Brightvale, neighbour of the larger Meridell, is in my opinion the cultural capital of Neopia. One need only sample the vivid architecture to feel a sense of this.

Week - 642

Architecture of Neopia: Meridell
by arkwright
Description: As a scholar of architecture, I couldn't visit Brightvale and not take a look at Meridell. It is the vastly larger region to the east of its twin, famed for its simplistic way of life.

Week - 648

Architecture of Neopia: Virtupets Space Station
by arkwright
Description: As I boarded the space shuttle taking me away from my little home Neopia, and watching it disappear into the blackness of the starry space that floods it into insignificance... I could not help but feel small.

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