Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 192,495,956 Issue: 650 | 20th day of Relaxing, Y16
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword winner19955

Week - 408

by winner19955
Description: Not the sharpest tack in the drawer, are we?

Week - 414

At the Battledome: vs Chia Clown
by winner19955
Description: Random events shouldn't be so random sometimes.

Week - 428

Pickled- Part 1
by winner19955
Description: Yay for epiphany :D

Week - 429

Pickled- Part 2
by winner19955
Description: Epiphany fail D:

Week - 445

Tarla Hunting
by winner19955
Description: Yay! .. ish...

Week - 646

by winner19955
Description: The passing Blumaroo wasn't kidding!

Week - 647

by winner19955
Description: Defender training is such a blast!

Week - 648

by winner19955
Description: Netting a win against Fanetti

Week - 650

by winner19955
Description: Stop scoring against my team!

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Mysterious Treasure Part 4
Let's open the Treasure Chest!

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That's some dedication.

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