Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 192,522,755 Issue: 652 | 2nd day of Swimming, Y16
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword frazeocity

Week - 509

The Patterns We Make
by frazeocity
Description: "Hey sir," came a voice to his side. "Can you spare a few neopoints?"

Week - 648

Those Left Behind: Part One
by frazeocity
Description: They say a story is never truly finished, only abandoned.

Week - 649

Those Left Behind: Part Two
by frazeocity
Description: "So you and Lapnir were in Hephen's band of thieves together?"

Week - 650

Those Left Behind: Part Three
by frazeocity
Description: "So you want to be an actor?" one of them asked. Else nodded, and suddenly felt shy about being introduced to so many new people.

Week - 651

Those Left Behind: Part Four
by frazeocity
Description: Shenkuu was beautiful in the summer. The calls of a thousand kinds of petpets formed a rich symphony...

Week - 652

Those Left Behind: Part Five
by frazeocity
Description: "And Hephen, what is his story?" I wondered.

Torpin shrugged. "Dunno, I've never heard him talk about it. All I know is, he's been a--a traveler for a long time."

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