There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 192,522,755 Issue: 652 | 2nd day of Swimming, Y16
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword legolassie85

Week - 652

How I Moved to Krawk Island
by legolassie85
Description: I've lived on Terror Mountain. It's cold and difficult, but it was affordable for a new player and it's home for me and my pets. At least until today.

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The Persecution: Part Four
The chilly wind blew through his white fur as he walked along the narrow road toward Meepit Oaks. It had been a successful week, and Gabriel knew he had some time to go on a long overdue visit.

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Saving the National Neopian Bank: Part Three
"Now, I have analyzed the bank's problems over the years," Mr. Roberts said. "And as mentioned before, we face the possibility of a financial apocalypse..."

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Exploring the Guild Chat { For Beginners }
Everything learned from my experience of running The Golden Inn (since '11)!

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Greedy Kadoaties
Sometimes charity is undeserved.

Idea by kaddisti

by l_like_animals


Lab Ray Problems
Problems with the lab ray.

by yanmin1200

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