Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 192,522,755 Issue: 652 | 2nd day of Swimming, Y16
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We found the following 13 result(s) for the keyword meganhilty

Week - 597

The Breadmaster's Challenge: Part One
by meganhilty
Description: It was not surprising to find Aventia in the kitchen at the crack of dawn, contently whisking a bowl of egg whites into stiff peaks of meringue, or leisurely kneading sour dough for baguettes.

Week - 598

The Breadmaster's Challenge: Part Two
by meganhilty
Description: The next morning, Aventia rose before dawn, having had a disrupted night's sleep. As the date of the competition grew nearer, Aventia had grown more and more nervous...

Week - 599

The Breadmaster's Challenge: Part Three
by meganhilty
Description: "Don't let her get to you," came a squeaky voice from beside her. She turned to see a cheery Mallow Grundo smiling up at her.

Week - 600

The Breadmaster's Challenge: Part Four
by meganhilty
Description: Chaos; it was absolute chaos. As soon as the Scorchio had said the word "bake" there was a mad dash to the back of the room, where the fridges were located.

Week - 601

The Breadmaster's Challenge: Part Five
by meganhilty
Description: "Oh, no!" Aventia cried out in frustration, frantically stirring a pot of dark, gooey liquid. "It's burnt!" she growled...

Week - 602

The Breadmaster's Challenge: Part Six
by meganhilty
Description: "I haven't made it yet, Mum. There's still one challenge to go and the Breadmaster said it would be the toughest one yet. And the other finalists will be hard to beat; they both have a lot more experience than me..."

Week - 606

Against All Odds: Part One
by meganhilty
Description: In the background he could hear the roar of the crowd cheering, but he knew that those cheers were not for him; they never were.

Week - 607

Against All Odds: Part Two
by meganhilty
Description: "Rest?" the Techo repeated, stunned at the idea, when Ernie suggested they stop at a nearby inn for a while. "Why in Moltara's Magma would we do that?"

Week - 608

Against All Odds: Part Three
by meganhilty
Description: "Now, drop and give me twenty!"

Ernie just stared blankly back at him, his eyes still crusty from sleep. "Twenty, what?" he questioned, baffled.

Week - 609

Against All Odds: Part Four
by meganhilty
Description: The day of the race, an extremely bored and discontented Scorchio, with a permanent scowl upon his face, sat behind the counter of the betting booth, continuously taking bets from an enormous queue of Neopets that just kept getting longer and longer.

Week - 650

Treasure Hunters: Part One
by meganhilty
Description: "So... we meet at last, Scarblade!" Saffy shouted, over the roar of battle cries, and the clanging of swords...

Week - 651

Treasure Hunters: Part Two
by meganhilty
Description: "Why in Fyora's name did I agree to this?" the Gelert mumbled, almost inaudibly, as he tripped over another vine.

Week - 652

Treasure Hunters: Part Three
by meganhilty
Description: The tomb was huge, with lots of different passageways and doors and almost everything looked the same. Without a map, finding their way around seemed impossible...

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