A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 192,587,388 Issue: 653 | 11th day of Swimming, Y16
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword geckolord

Week - 653

The Many Fabulous Uses of Jelly!
by geckolord
Description: Jelly is a food with many wondrous uses, which ought to be listed among the greatest aspects of Neopia, rather than condemned to live out its days as a relatively overlooked novelty item.

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Way to spoil the moment. Sheesh.

by fullmetalslushie


Faerie Wings II: Rosia's Revenge - Part Seven
As soon as Kira and Illere entered Ardore's boutique, they were both greeted with a puff of lavender scented perfume that swamped the store in a purple daze.

by downrightdude


Tales From the Desert: An Origin Story
Since he had been a small Neopet, all he could see himself doing was become a great chef.

by ibeth602


Patience Makes A Dream Come True
"I can't believe it, Mostoff, he's asleep, he's actually asleep!" the Hissi whispered to his Melton...

by paranoidnarcissist


Slush: Petrifaction?
Woodland pets can easily become...

by _torchic__

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