Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 192,587,388 Issue: 653 | 11th day of Swimming, Y16
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword whatamidoingwhy

Week - 643

Use This Wisely!
by whatamidoingwhy
Description: I'll be honest.

Week - 653

Inside the Mind of King Altador
by whatamidoingwhy
Description: Wanna talk?

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Tales From the Desert: An Origin Story
Since he had been a small Neopet, all he could see himself doing was become a great chef.

by ibeth602


Saving the National Neopian Bank: Part Four
Golgoth stood up. "Then why not simply close the shop there and move out? It's clear that these decisions are damaging the company, and are so damaging the shareholders who the company exists to serve. Why haven't we already done this?"

by rider_galbatorix


Faerie Wings II: Rosia's Revenge - Part Seven
As soon as Kira and Illere entered Ardore's boutique, they were both greeted with a puff of lavender scented perfume that swamped the store in a purple daze.

by downrightdude


Inside the Mind of King Altador
Wanna talk?

by whatamidoingwhy


A Forgotten Promise: Part Three
Arriving in Altador was the easy part - finding proof to support their story, not so much. Now all that remains is to finish their task...

by stararan

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