A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 192,587,388 Issue: 653 | 11th day of Swimming, Y16
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Inside the Mind of King Altador

by whatamidoingwhy

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Easy as Stealing Candy From a Baby?
Never has it been easier!

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Those Left Behind: Part Six
When we returned to our positions around the table on the deck, all eyes turned to Mellis. "Bren already said he was last," Lapnir said, "so that means you're next."

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The Persecution: Part Five
"Are you kidding me? A little silver and garlic and we can have them all under control!"

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Stargazer: Part Three
"Go back to sleep, Sepph. It's only dawn."

Azurabel herself wouldn't. She stared at the light streaming in through the window as dawn slowly but surely took hold of the sky.

by fairyxhearts

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