Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 193,968,077 Issue: 658 | 15th day of Hiding, Y16
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We found the following 18 result(s) for the keyword flufflepuff

Week - 587

Top 11 Underrated Royal Girl Pets
by flufflepuff
Description: You should really look at pet colors more often.

Week - 592

Trading Post Troubles
by flufflepuff
Description: Aren't Baby Paint Brushes usually 600k?

Week - 597

Bad Biscuits: Adventures of Huffle and Fluffle
by flufflepuff
Description: What do you think?

Idea by hufflepuff

Week - 600

Water, Fire, Return
by flufflepuff
Description: Content doesn't always mean happy, does it now?

Also by sportlovergrl25

Week - 620

The Gross Food Movement
by hufflepuff
Description: As your culinary experts, we will guide you through Neopia to seek out and taste test the grossest foods we can find.

Also by flufflepuff

Week - 630

Even Water Faeries Learn to Swim
by flufflepuff
Description: Would you mind finding...

Also by setorange

Week - 632

Learning Curves
by flufflepuff
Description: Listen. Right. As though teachers listened to students.

Week - 633

Beauty is in the Compact of the Holder
by flufflepuff
Description: Oooh!

Idea by tj_wagner

Week - 634

Six Reasons to Start a Kastraliss Fan Club
by flufflepuff
Description: Brace yourself.

Week - 636

I'm Not Sure I Can Get That For You
by walter_the_walrus
Description: Would you help me?

Also by flufflepuff

Week - 638

The Misadventures of an Innocent Bystander
by flufflepuff
Description: "You're doing it well," I encouraged. "Trust me, nothing bad is going to happen toda—"

Week - 640

Misadventures of an Innocent Bystander 2: Kastraliss
by flufflepuff
Description: "Never, ever, ever tell your readers you're scared to interview someone."

Week - 652

Misadventures of an Innocent Bystander 3: Taelia
by flufflepuff
Description: Around springtime, tourism took a sharp drop as most people were relieved that winter was behind them at last.

Not us.

Week - 654

Stachetastic: the Hair-Raising Origin - Part One
by flufflepuff
Description: Norman shook his head and sighed, cursing his luck. Why, oh why, had they sent him instead of some other Grooming Parlour worker to fetch the Super Conditioner from the storage area?!

Week - 655

Stachetastic: the Hair-Raising Origin - Part Two
by flufflepuff
Description: Amaryllis the yellow Kadoatie was having the time of her life. She rolled around on the lush burgundy rug, gnawing and biting and kicking at a long tendril of pale blue fur.

Week - 656

Stachetastic: the Hair-Raising Origin - Part Three
by flufflepuff
Description: "I can talk to people, sure, but I can't dance! And there's bound to be Defenders--what if I lose my cool and start squealing all over the place?!"

Week - 657

Stachetastic: the Hair-Raising Origin - Part Four
by flufflepuff
Description: The Jelly Chia burbled a response and pointed to the moustache, then to the beads of moisture forming across his gelatinous surface.

Week - 658

Stachetastic: the Hair-Raising Origin - Part Five
by flufflepuff
Description: The room was pink. Bubble gum pink. So pink that everything after leaving the room would appear green for several seconds.

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"Loyal to you?" Luna snorted. "Who would be loyal to you..."

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Agent of the Sway: Resistance - Part Four
"I'm looking for a certain Cybunny," she answered. "The master is very... anxious that she be found."

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Chronicles of the Council: The Hunter - Part Two
"Perhaps today I will go north," Altador said, leaning out the window...

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Where the Wind Blows Wild: Part Ten
Kell said, "Quick, nasty, and actually stands a chance of working. I like it."

by saphira_27


Keep Calm and Kyrii on: How about Snow?
That's cold, man.

by ahnyo

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