For an easier life Circulation: 192,851,041 Issue: 665 | 17th day of Collecting, Y16
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword 2_andromeda_8

Week - 653

How To Survive Krawk Island & Live to Tell the Tale
by 2_andromeda_8
Description: For the adventurer in you!

Week - 663

The Expedition of Walter Wesley: Part One
by 2_andromeda_8
Description: Sometimes it's not about the destination, it's about the journey!

Week - 664

The Expedition of Walter Wesley: Part Two
by 2_andromeda_8
Description: "Now is not the time to be meticulous! I greet the guest; you make sure everything is in order!" Dr Wesley marched towards the exit and ran downstairs.

Week - 665

The Expedition of Walter Wesley: Part Three
by 2_andromeda_8
Description: "Now... where did I put it... it was right here last time I looked at it..." he mumbled to himself as they approached the vessel destined to take them to the Lost Desert.

Vivian rolled her eyes as he checked all his pockets.

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Be A Hero: A Trophy Guide to Magma Blaster
Hurry! The citizens of Tyrannia need your help!

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