A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 192,851,041 Issue: 665 | 17th day of Collecting, Y16
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword chloezzz123

Week - 665

A Guide to Guild Hopping
by chloezzz123
Description: Well, first off, don't just join the first guild you see...

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Run on The Neopoint: Part Five
Chad was snapped out of his reverie by the arrival of Judge Hog, who had come personally to see him. "What seems to be the matter, citizen?" he asked.

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The Lonely Stranger: Part Three
It was another one of those 'beginning and ending' moments. It ended what had become my dull existence on the Station. It began my newfound purpose and almost child-like happiness.

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The Top 5 Worst Pizzas
These are the pizzas you shouldn't even consider ordering.

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The Zaf Girls: Telly
What a great guy!

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A Three Prong Approach to Fighting Inflation
I have gained even more understanding of how the economy of Neopets works and have devised a three prong approach to fighting inflation at a massive level.

by kieronstoff

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