Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 192,951,128 Issue: 667 | 31st day of Collecting, Y16
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Forgotten Halloween Costume
Where's your costume?

by cinnamon_girl


A Ghost on Halloween
"Gyra, look!" Dixi held out her carefully handcrafted doll. 

"That's great, Dixi," Gyra replied without looking up from her book.

by sha2196


New Holiday Proposals!
I think there are a lot of aspects about Neopia that deserve their own special holidays!

by indulgences


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Missing - Part Four
"How about we go down this way?" the alien Aisha asked.

Jane and I looked down the stairwell. We were unsure if we should go down there. It seemed pretty dark.

by chasing_stars44


Halloween Shenanigans: Byhaliae and the Esophagor
The wind howled and Byhaliae pulled her cape tighter around her shoulders. She hated to admit it, but she was already regretting begging her mother, brothers, and sister to let her go trick-or-treating on her own.

by natalia_ivanovna

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