Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 192,951,128 Issue: 667 | 31st day of Collecting, Y16
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword sha2196

Week - 614

Dreams: A New Beginning
by sha2196
Description: No one else ever came here; these caves were rumored to be haunted, but I knew all its secrets as it knew mine.

Week - 635

Dreams: New Leaf
by sha2196
Description: Why did he wake her up? Was that concern in his voice?

Week - 656

Dreams: A First Adventure?
by sha2196
Description: A mask. That's all I had right now.

Week - 667

A Ghost on Halloween
by sha2196
Description: "Gyra, look!" Dixi held out her carefully handcrafted doll. 

"That's great, Dixi," Gyra replied without looking up from her book.

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The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part Three
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Halloween and How To Deal With It
Ah, Halloween, that magical (and tasty) time of year when Spyders spin webs, the Brain Tree writes riddles, and Sophie is in a slightly less grumpy mood.

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A Translucent Poogle's Search For Home
This little Poogle learns what makes a truly happy home for any neopet, sweet or spooky.

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Uncovering the Mysteries of the Wraiths
The Final Entries of One Albert Solon Savalari During His Search to Uncover the Mysteries of the Wraiths

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The Mysterious Manor
"Well..." Reana gulped "Here it is." The Pastel Zafara stood in front of a wrought iron gate, which creaked in the frosty breeze.

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