Meow Circulation: 192,951,128 Issue: 667 | 31st day of Collecting, Y16
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The Casket Case

by linework

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Night at the Fall Masquerade
"What luck!" you think to yourself, scooping up the most dazzling, luscious-looking lollipop off an empty plate on the dinner table.

by flufflepuff


The Scholar and the Candle
Listen to the sound of that clock. I can't believe I'm up at this hour.

by breakingchains


The Way Out
"Soph?" The voice was right outside the door, too. "Are you in there? You can come out now, it's gone."

She didn't move an inch. A few heartbeats' silent wait, then the doors were wrenched open.

by liouchan


Halloween's Moon: Toshu's Dark Secret
Sweet like candy, timid but bright. That is, until this Aisha meets the full Halloween Moon's light.

by star_mama_408

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