Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 192,897,787 Issue: 668 | 7th day of Storing, Y16
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Welcome to Brightvale!

by msjanny

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Teaching and Topiaries
"Whaaat?" Jhudora asked, feigning an innocence she certainly did not feel. She and the Faerie Queen were standing in her front garden, staring at a life-sized topiary of a Kau.

by vanessa1357924680


Sophisticated School Supplies!
It's a brand new semester at Brightvale University, and classes will be starting soon!

by indulgences


The Lonely Stranger: Part Six
"Hero of Virtupets, ally and friend to justice and the resistance!" 

"I'm not a hero," I muttered.

by aircraftcarriers


It is a fact widely acknowledged that Brightvale is one of the smartest places on the face of Neopia, and even beyond.

by herdygerdy

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